Price Rite of Garfield w Garfield

Stany ZjednoczonePrice Rite of Garfield



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59, Outwater Lane, 07026, Garfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 862-225-9717
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8819426, Longitude: -74.1161609

komentarze 5

  • en

    -Leticia Cobeo


    Large aisles. Competitive Walmart prices, very clean and vegetables and meats prices are excellent. Great assortment of products. Sodas were priced well.

  • en

    Elizabeth Crespo


    Great prices. They carry certain items They have fresh produce and very polite workers. Quick check out. Bring your own bags. If you don't; it's only 10 cents a bag. I gave it 4 stars because of their limited brands.

  • en

    Mike Breken


    Great prices...the name says all...the prices are good the products are good and meat department is great fresh meats and a great selection. The seafood department is one of the best one I've seen so far...they have fresh and frozen but a big selection and always clean so all you have to do is cook them when you get home...the produce department is also a great selection they have organic and loco farms which i preferred cuz I don't like having produce that been sitting in the back of truck for hours..

  • en

    Evy Mania


    I stopped in here quickly to get milk. They have a big selection of groceries. It's bring your own bag or you can buy a bag for eleven cents. I bought a bag and it was a big sturdy bag. You don't need a loyalty card to get sale prices.

  • Kenneth Mackay

    Kenneth Mackay


    Great grocery store. Not a huge selection of each item of food, but prices are good, store is clean and they are going to accept coupons. Meats are fresh and good, great prices on cereals. I like the fact there is not a huge selection of each item because it makes it easier to shop. Also no huge lines. Great parking. 1st Price Rite in New Jersey. Highly recommend.

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