Pret A Manger i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPret A Manger



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1701, K Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-857-7945
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9027652, Longitude: -77.0386473

kommentar 5

  • en

    Guido Allieri


    good for quick lunch

  • Maria Limarzi

    Maria Limarzi


    This place is great for organic coffees and freshly prepared foods for pickup and pay with little waiting. Eat at their tables or take it to go.

  • Abel Amene

    Abel Amene


    A particularly great Pret A Manger store. I am a fan of all Pret shops but this store is a cut above the rest. Always find a table for a quick meeting, coffee and lunch. Clean tables and short lines are an indication of good management and staff.

  • Ashlina Chin

    Ashlina Chin


    Good atmosphere. Tons of seating and always stocked with fresh food. I like to stop here on my way to work and just get a few things done before going to my desk!

  • en

    Lucky Weaver


    Nice little bistro shop. Well lit atmosphere and ample amount of seating. There is Wifi, didn't see a outlets during my visit. Food is expensive, but worth it if you are hungry. $12 for a fresh tomato cheese sandwich and a veg/fruit juice.. yeah.. I was really hungry.

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