Prestige Motor Works i Deer Park

Forenede StaterPrestige Motor Works


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13, Lucon Drive, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-392-4501
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Latitude: 40.7598469, Longitude: -73.3078335

kommentar 5

  • Yadher Bustamante

    Yadher Bustamante


    They disappeared and didnt get me my tag or plates or title. They owe me money, they ripped me off on my down payment. And the bmw they sold me and promised to fix cost 3500 in repairs. Im looking for owner : barath rao so i can at least get my money for registration and title (post before me are fake)

  • en

    Tynell Tate


    Great dealership. Picked up a 2011 Nissan Maxima for a great price. Thanks to the guys over at Prestige I was able to have an affordable car payment.

  • Mel B

    Mel B


    I wanted to buy a reasonably priced yet reliable vehicle for my daughter. We ended up selecting a 2009 Nissan Maxima and it was everything we'd been wanting and more. Our sales rep was really helping in assisting us in finding the right vehicle and we never felt pressured. It was a great experience and my daughter loves her car. We'll definitely be back to Prestige again in the future.

  • Julia Brenner

    Julia Brenner


    I was impressed with how quickly I was able to get an appointment. That's why I initially booked with Prestige because I was going out of town and needed my work done quickly. They could get me in the fastest. The entire experience was excellent. They were very friendly and got me in and out quickly. They clearly explained what my car needed and after talking to my brother who's a mechanic it sounds like the price they charged me was very reasonable. I would definitely go to Prestige again in the future.

  • HorsePower Post

    HorsePower Post


    Great service department. Whet in to get my Oil Changed and A 4 Brake service. Made an appointment and when I got there they too good care of me.

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