Presidio w Houston

Stany ZjednoczonePresidio



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911, West 11th Street, 77008, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 832-740-4574
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Latitude: 29.790725, Longitude: -95.406703

komentarze 5

  • Joseph McKinney

    Joseph McKinney


    Food's great (well-executed diverse and changing menu), good beer selection along with a solid cocktail and wine list, and the service is consistently excellent. Prices are very reasonable. Can't ask for much more.

  • Trevor Haworth

    Trevor Haworth


    This was my 3rd time here. Had good experiences overall, however this time was a different story. First off, our waiter was rude from the get go and gave us attitude the whole time. Second, our burgers came out way overdone, probably because he didn't even ask us how we wanted them in the first place. Also, our fries were cold to the touch. To top things off, literally a cockroach climbed up the wall while we were finishing up said underwhelming burgers. When we tried to get the wait staffs attention to notify them of the cockroach we we're ignored, and by the time they noticed the roach had disappeared into the dining area. Lastly, we sat with our credit cards on the bill for about 20 minutes before finally the hostess came over and made us wait another 10 minutes giving us the bill. I liked this place and I normally don't complain, but this was a very poor experience.

  • Tory Louthen

    Tory Louthen


    Brussels sprouts were amazing but the chicken wings had a weird flavor and the restaurant offers exactly zero sauces to accompany them. I got the salad with steak for something like $20 and it was basically a giant bowl of huge leaf lettuce, which was both disappointing from a dish composition standpoint and awkward to eat. The chocolate chip cookies and raspberry dessert were both good but not worth going just for that.

  • Raiza Tafur

    Raiza Tafur


    Nice food, good service. I tried the salmon and I gotta tell you... it was interesting. I liked it. My husband had the burger and it was really good. Chicken wings were amazing! We're glad we decided to stop and give it a try. Definitely coming back.

  • en

    Angela Bedoya


    Loved this place...inside and outdoor seating, great ambiance and the food and drinks are delicious. The lavender concoction I had was refreshing and easy to drink! We had the whole snapper and everything about it was perfect, the Brussels sprouts, the salad and the fish! Everything is locally sourced and the menu changes constantly, always something new and yummy to try.

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