Premier Martial Arts Texas w Bedford

Stany ZjednoczonePremier Martial Arts Texas



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201, Harwood Road, 76021, Bedford, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-281-4390
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.851752, Longitude: -97.168508

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stevens Ludwig


    We drop off our grandchildren here. The staff offer a safe alternative for afterschool care. We have seen a change in their focus and self confidence. Knowing where they are and that they are safe in a family type atmosphere is a blessing. The staff are amazing and always are looking out for the best interests of the children. We recommend this for one and all.

  • Darryl Liner

    Darryl Liner


    The Experience I had at this place was second to none. I enjoyed every minute of the class. The instructors where attentive to my needs and very understanding. They took the extra care to make I understood the techniques. I had a great time and I would highly recommend you train at the school!! You will love it!!!! Bring a friend as well!!!

  • en

    Meagen Vaughn


    Great people, and great family!!! There is no other choice than being a part of a premier martial arts family!! At premier you will learn so much more than martial arts. What you will learn are life skills. This is the place to train.

  • Ashley Norris

    Ashley Norris


    This is one of the best Martial Arts schools in dfw. They are great with the kids who attended the school. They are also always find new fun ways to teach the kids! They incorporate the things that the kids love like Star Wars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to their curriculum which helps the kids to want to focus and have fun.

  • en

    Holly Wallace


    My kids have been coming to classes here for a while now and they absolutely love it! The staff are excellent and friendly. I’ve noticed such positive changes in my kids behavior since we’ve been coming here! They really make you feel like your part of the family and truly care. We love our PMA family, so blessed to have found this place and would recommend them to anyone!!

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