Premier Decorators en New York

Estados UnidosPremier Decorators



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2618, Avenue U, 11229, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 877-399-3119
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.599866, Longitude: -73.945

comentarios 5

  • Makana Ching

    Makana Ching


    It's hard to put into words the amazing experience I encountered with Premier Decorators - if I could do it all again, I would! Rafi & Lia were so lovely and made every step of the reupholstering process run smoothly. You can tell Rafi really loves what he does and enjoys making his clients happy. I was stunned when the completed sofa arrived at my apartment and can't take my eyes off of it! Looking forward to my next project with them. Highly recommend!!!

  • Vito Fun

    Vito Fun


    Holy cow these guys are amazing...we had this wonderful old couch in our office that had seen better days and was beginning to embarrass us. Instead of getting a new one we decided to restore it and our friend reccommended Premier Decorators. When they came to pick it up we were busy with a client so gave them our box of pre-selected fabric and told them to go to town, why hire someone who isn't an artist, right? When they returned it (with amazing white glove door service), we literally screamed with joy. Their visual selection, quality and attention to detail was stunning, overwhelming almost. I love that couch more than I could ever love a human baby and I can't even begin to think of words to describe how much I recommend Premier. Do not hesitate to call them.

  • Faceboo Idio

    Faceboo Idio


    I found them by accident through Google and I am happy I did. They kept every promise they have made! They have done beautiful job on my sofa. They were affordable, punctual and all around nice people. Dealing with the owner was a pleasure. Everything was done the way it should be. They get my highest praise and recommendation. Thank you very much guys for your excellent service and craftsmanship.

  • Jennifer De La Cruz

    Jennifer De La Cruz


    I recently had a circular throw pillow made and it is absolutely GORGEOUS! I am so thrilled with the work, the stitching is flawless! The gentleman that made it stuck exactly to my specifications so everything came out exactly as I had envisioned it. I cannot wait to go home and snooze on this pillow and brag to all my friends about it. Though it's just a small job, it was treated with the same amount of care and importance as say a 7 piece sectional. I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend these guys, you will not be disappointed!

  • en

    Aviad Stark


    They came to my apartment and gave me a free estimate on the spot on an antique chair I had. They arranged for the chair to be picked up and dropped off once the work was done. Very professional, very knowledgable and overall just nice people who do good work - highly recommended.

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