Preferred Dental Care Center w Beaverton

Stany ZjednoczonePreferred Dental Care Center



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4690, Southwest Hall Boulevard, 97005, Beaverton, Washington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-350-1234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4857404, Longitude: -122.8039521

komentarze 5

  • Amy Parrill

    Amy Parrill


    Staff is rude. They don't know how to submit a basic dental claim to insurance. When I called to remedy the situation, instead of working with me, they jumped in and offered a discount. When I said that my insurance would pay, and it was an insurance company that they agreed to bill before my appointment, the front desk person was rude and hung up on me. The dates on my paperwork don't match the dates of service so my insurance can't pay the bill.

  • R S

    R S


    My husband and I are so grateful Dr. Grasvik took over this office a few years ago. We've had great dental services here. Darcy is always warm and helpful. Dr. Grasvik has always been efficient and straightforward at his job. I don't expect dental care to be rainbows and a gum massage, but I do have expectations for a dentist to have great skills and knowledge in his expertise. I highly recommend him.

  • Ashlyn Deffenbaugh

    Ashlyn Deffenbaugh


    I have been going to preferred dental for a few years. The first time I went, I had concerns about a discolored tooth and Dr. Grasvik dismissed me by telling me it didn’t bother him so it shouldn’t bother me. The whole interaction left me feeling disrespected and uncomfortable with him. After that, I only kept going back because the dental hygienist there was awesome and made me super comfortable. Today I went back after a long break due to covid, and it appears there are no more dental hygienists and just Dr. Grasvik doing the cleanings. The whole experience was rough, painful, and uncomfortable. The front desk receptionist was extremely professional and understanding when I told her my experience. I won’t be going back and I would not refer this dentist to anyone.

  • Queen Doggo

    Queen Doggo


    Awesome place. Top notch work and friendly folks. Just had my first cleaning and some fillings done here (they feel great!) this year after losing my previous dentist of 25 years! 2020 has NOT been amazing for most folks, but not when it comes to my great new dentist, with them I am truly pleased! Would definitely recommend! Dr and staff are friendly and while being clean and professional, they also somehow make you feel like one of them and it's easy to feel like you are another staff member hanging out with the crew, which might make the dentist less scary for those of you who have fears 😎🏳️‍🌈👍🦷❤️.

  • emetcalfe88



    So I am one of those people who had not been to a dentist in over a decade. I called the office and told Darcy my dilemma and she was so kind and understanding and made me feel really comfortable with coming in. When I get come in I never once felt judged for not having had been to the dentist in over 10 years. Dr. Nick made me feel very comfortable and at ease. he was kind he was helpful he was able to explain to me exactly what needed to happen. He put in my permanent crown today and it was such an easy and basically painless experience. Getting the temporary crown was really easy I had no problems with it while waiting for the permanent to come in. This relieved so much of the jaw and general tooth pain I was experiencing. if you are in the same boat as me and looking for a new dentist I highly recommend seeing doctor Nick. From start to finish I've had nothing but a great experience.

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