Pray Body Shop w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczonePray Body Shop



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336 - 352, Elm Street, 06902, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-359-3025
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.051049, Longitude: -73.528087

komentarze 5

  • Daniel Keegan

    Daniel Keegan


    Absolutely stellar experience! The fix costs for my car were not incredibly expensive, yet they still did an extremely fantastic job! Would recommend to anybody looking for an auto body shop. Thank you for your superb work!

  • en

    don Birchenough


    I had a great experience at Pray. I had some unfortunate body damage to a new car. The repair work was done to perfection. They were incredibly professional and accommodating. I found their prices to be very fair/reasonable. More importantly they went out of their way to work with me and make sure my experience there was a good one. I would not hesitate to recommend Pray to others.

  • Dee Klein

    Dee Klein


    The Pray team is an extremely patient, kind, honest, and competent professional group. They worked with me through every aspect of my automobile accident in order to help me get my vehicle towed out of NYC, find a rental car and work with my insurance claim. John was wonderful to work with, making a difficult process easier. Additionally, Chris Hughes was equally as wonderful and patient as John, helping me navigate the process with patience and humor. John and the entire team understood my needs for a quick turn around and worked to ensure that, not only did I get my car back quickly the workmanship was outstanding. One would never know that a Mac truck ran into my car. I definitely made the right call that day when I dialed up Pray Body Shop. I am truly grateful to John and Chris for all their efforts, and would not hesitate to recommend the Pray Body Shop to others.

  • John Rovegno

    John Rovegno


    Great service from start to finish. Having Enterprise Rent A Car on-site helped make the car repair experience e-z and these folks dealt directly with insurance. Less than pleasant experience made more than tolerable. Nicely done!

  • en



    2 weeks ago we had a slight accident. Did my due diligence and asked around "what's a good auto body shop?" The feedback we got from coworkers and friends was "Go to Prays!" We delivered the car last week Tuesday and this morning we picked it up. John and his team were super kind, patient, answered all our questions, direct to the point and totally understanding when we realized we needed the car sooner than expected. Not only did he and his team get the repair done in time, but I picked up what looks like a brand new car at 8am as promised. Thanks @praybodyshop

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