Power Plus en Denver

Estados UnidosPower Plus



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8200, East Pacific Place, 80231, Denver, Arapahoe County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 720-748-0660
sitio web: www.powrplus.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.6788508, Longitude: -104.8930335

comentarios 5

  • en

    Brad Hablutzel


    You decide. They quoted me $100 for lawnmower tune up and one week to do. Over three weeks later it was $150. When asked why, he said he discover things in there that he didn't know about so I wonder why he didn't bring this to my attention before hand? I am suspicious that they may say anything to get the job. If I had known it would be $150 and three weeks I probably would've just bought a new lawnmower

  • Jodi Brooks

    Jodi Brooks


    I took my snowblower to the owner Bruce for a specific problem, fix the idle, it's running to high. He suggested a tune up as well, fine, as long as it runs right when I get it back. I pay him $111.00. My husband goes to pick it up, he starts it, runs EXACTLY the same! He tries to tell my husband that's normal. Didn't fix the problem, kept the money. But most astonishing of all, he said he would try to sell it for us and had no issue selling it not working properly. No ethics!

  • James Rosales-Herring

    James Rosales-Herring


    I tried a little DIY repair on my mower. I replaced a carburetor and fuel line. It fired right up and I was on my way until about 20 plus minutes of run time i started noticing major white smoke in the exhaust and then the mower wouldn't start up after a short break. I thought for sure I had blown the engine. I took it in to Power Plus today and Mason was able to get my mower up and running in under 30 minutes. He diagnosed the issue and he did a compete tune up in that time. I am very impressed with the service I received today I would absolute recommend this shop.

  • en

    Brian Perry


    I've been a customer of Power Plus for a couple of years and they have always been very helpful, knowledgeable and generous with their advise. I've brought in parts of engines to find replacement pieces and they always pull through with the piece. The best part is they do all this without the attitude of some other shops. They recently moved to a nicer place down the street so go check them out. We need to support places like this that keep our old stuff going strong.

  • Jacob Ezzell

    Jacob Ezzell


    Fuel line had disintegrated on my weed whacker, so took it in to get fixed. Sold me $2 of fuel line and showed me how to fix it instead of just keeping it and charging me $70 for a service. Greatly appreciated.

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