Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront i Portland

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Forenede StaterPortland Marriott Downtown Waterfront



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1401, Southwest Naito Parkway, 97201, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 503-226-7600
internet side: www.marriott.com
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Latitude: 45.5124932, Longitude: -122.6756064

kommentar 5

  • en

    Krista Mitchell


    The location is perfect, I was around lots of things to do, I was in downtown Portland. Quick walk to the beautiful waterfront park. Rooms were nice, hotel was nice. I just wish we came a different time the hotel was very busy between the doggy dash event and a large Indian wedding. Other then that great hotel and great service

  • en

    Andy Lau


    It was clean and the room we stayed in had a balcony over the waterfront. Convenient location near downtown. We checked in a little early and they were able to give us our room right away. Looked like there was a nice restaurant near the lobby but we didn't try it.

  • Mark Gross

    Mark Gross


    I attended a Microsoft tech Summit at the Portland Marriott. Various sessions were held in the conference rooms at the Marriott. Those rooms were set up well, the sound system made it easier to hear the speakers and the chairs wooden tables were comfortable. The staff were very helpful and breakfast and lunch were provided. The breakfast was standard fare but the quality was above normal and the lunch was very good with food options for my vegetarian needs. Overall it was a great place to have a conference.

  • en

    Jeannie Norris


    We had a lovely stay at this hotel recently. "Jacob" greeted us warmly upon arrival and made us feel at home. The room was clean and well appointed and the staff is friendly and efficient. I would most certainly stay here should I return to Portland! The only issue was watery coffee from the Starbucks in the lobby. We told the woman who was checking us out and she quickly apologized and removed the charge from our bill!.

  • Hillary Brainerd

    Hillary Brainerd


    My boyfriend and I decided to stay at this hotel for our first visit to Portland. They completely exceeded our expectations in every way. The concierge/check in staff was so welcoming and gave us great help in deciding what to see around the city. The housekeeping staff always did a lovely job, and even organized my toiletries for me our first day here. In addition to having a great breakfast restaurant and bar within the hotel itself (Truss and Proof Reader) the M Club Lounge was an excellent aspect of our stay; the staff was very helpful and kind, and having a place to relax and grab a quick snack was much appreciated. We would definitely choose to stay here again.

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