Poppinjay's A Cafe i Bellevue

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPoppinjay's A Cafe



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3009, 112th Avenue Northeast, 98004, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 425-822-4444
internet side: www.poppinjayscafe.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.6366667, Longitude: -122.1945201

kommentar 5

  • St Mansur

    St Mansur


    Inconsistent. Sometimes a good sandwich,sometimes utter dirt. Very dependable on who's working. 2 stars for being clean.

  • Madhulika G

    Madhulika G


    If you haven't discovered this gem yet, you should visit it. It was so awesome to have a yummy hot omlette with veggies, with a nice health toast and a cup of hot tea was worth it. They custom make the burrito to order another favorite of ours. A small business that can definitely use some support.

  • Gus Tiwana

    Gus Tiwana


    Quality food, nice people. Good size cafe for breakfast and lunch right next to 405 and 520. Must stop for hungry traveler. Note hours: M-F 7am to 3pm

  • Ashley Barron

    Ashley Barron


    Love when I get the chance to eat here! There homemade cookies & s'mores bars are delicious. And there lunch is always worth the trip

  • brandi waters

    brandi waters


    They have great coffee and everything is always so freshly made. Very nice ladies running the place. My one complaint is the price of avocado for a teaspoon of it is a bit outrageous or just left out completely like in my omelet this morning. And I asked a few weeks ago if the tuna melt had onions, she said no onions but it was loaded and my $10 sandwich ended up in the trash. It's been a few times I have waisted my money there.

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