Popei's Clam Bar w Bethpage

Stany ZjednoczonePopei's Clam Bar



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384, North Wantagh Avenue, 11714, Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-822-9169
strona internetowej: popeisbethpage.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.735083, Longitude: -73.495467

komentarze 5

  • en

    TMR Check


    Amazing, simple, delicious, well-cooked seafood. Great service, staff is friendly and knowledgeable, chef comes out to greet the tables and ensure a wonderful dining experience! I am disabled and the appropriate accomodations were made...great time!

  • Margie Rouzer

    Margie Rouzer


    Delicious food! Seafood tastes like they went out back and caught it immediately before serving. Freshly baked bread is delivered to the table, and it's something that must be tasted! The staff is very friendly and attentive! They really need to expand, because this place is MUCH too small for the amount of people who WANT to be served!! Very lively atmosphere. Lots of laughing and loud conversations around, so it's not a quiet, romantic type place if that's what you want. Price is as expected for fresh meat and seafood. Highly recommended!!

  • Rosy Rebellion

    Rosy Rebellion


    The staff and our waitress was very helpful. Even though the place was packed our food came out promptly. The chef came out and talked to everyone at each table. The food was delicious. Be sure to make a reservation to be seated as fast as possible! Highly, highly recommend.

  • en

    Dan Schwartz


    All you can eat crab legs where great on Tuesday. Not cheap but good quality. Service very nice. Had the carrot cake for dessert and was also very good. Parking is limited but they do offer valet service. Come hungry and enjoy.

  • en

    Shay Millner


    Searched reviews for a great, local seafood place and this one stood out. Small and very limited parking, but valet takes care of that. Seafood bisque to die for and the crab legs were awesome. I watched the food all around me delivered - clams, shrimp, scallops - I wish I could have ordered it all! Kelly at the bar is a gem and the hostess was just as sweet as she could be. Don't let the exterior fool you. Great folks, great food!

najbliższy Bar

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