Pool Parts Plus w Glendale

Stany ZjednoczonePool Parts Plus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6520 W Happy Valley Road, B109, Glendale, AZ 85310, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 623-561-2988
strona internetowej: poolpartsplus.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7136605, Longitude: -112.2002399

komentarze 5

  • Eric Williams

    Eric Williams


    I've been to the store on off for many years to get basic pool chemicals and small replacement parts. Yesterday my Aqua logic pool control system motherboard had a massive failure and fried itself. While a replacement unit maybe cheaper on line I know that this store always stands behind their products and services. That's why I went with them. They were able to find a local one for next day pick up before my pool becomes a green swamp. Lol. As a side note, I originally had purchased the wrong one that was not compatible with my salt cell and discovered it a few hours later today so I went back and they were able to change it, cancel the order and get the correct one started right away. Shows me that they are willing to go the extra mile for the customers.

  • Carlos L Aguilar

    Carlos L Aguilar


    I've been coming here for the last four years after trying stints with other big name pool stores in the valley (you can prob guess who I'm talking about). The folks here are fantastic and truly want to help you manage your pool on your own. They aren't in the business of selling you chemicals you don't need. Since coming here, my pool has never looked better. And I use maybe a total of three chemicals to do it. Aside from the chemicals, they also have every part you need for your pool and if they don't have it, they'll order it for you and it will be there the next day (ex: Triton II sand filter). Another example of them genuinely wanting to help their customers: my filter motor went out and instead of charging me for a full one, the recommended a place that sells rebuilds – saving me hundreds of dollars. Aaaaand...Kyle troubleshot another motor and found that the capacitor was bad. He walked to the parts room, installed the $30 part and I was up and running again. Thank you, Chelsea and Kyle, for taking good care of your customers! You guys rock :-)

  • Judith Mason

    Judith Mason


    Great people but my pool cleaner died before their shipment came in. Hope to do business in the future.

  • en

    Kyle Vogelsang


    Nice folks here, always helping me out. The prices are higher than parts from Internet, but better than most pool stores around town. They are light years better than the corporate stores down the road.

  • bleesdo



    Friendly and helpful. Prices not the lowest, but fair and convenient.

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