Ponder w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczonePonder



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2413, East Union Street, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-420-2180
strona internetowej: ponderseattle.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6127163, Longitude: -122.3008121

komentarze 5

  • Coleman Mitchell

    Coleman Mitchell


    Super friendly staff. It succeeds very well in being the friendly neighborhood weed store. They have a very nice selection of items.

  • en

    Jason Harris


    Truth is, I really come by just to see McKenzie(sp?) and just so happen to buy pot while I'm there. I buy pot even if she isn't, just to save some time. But she's really where it's at. Super friendly and amazingly helpful - she was instrumental in finding a strain I liked. Thanks to her in-depth product knowledge, she was able to recommend a strain I'm just crazy in love with! Made a total believer out of me and I can't praise pot, Ponder, or McKenzie enough!

  • Brian Thurston Bralczyk

    Brian Thurston Bralczyk


    Very friendly staff with reasonable prices. Much calmer and nice experience than the long line and rushed sense you get at Ike’s across the street. Also they do a 15% off during happy hour from 12-4:20 each day. I stocked up!

  • en

    Paul Whited


    Great little dispensary, has quality product at reasonable prices. I wouldn't say that they have the lowest prices, and I think have a heart has slightly higher quality product. However, the staff here is really friendly and it has a nice smaller store feel to it. Definitely a place to check out at least once, if only to compare prices and quality of product.

  • en

    Dane Wilson


    This is my go-to shop. They have the best staff and a wide selection. Happy hour pricing is %15 off! Also they recently updated their reward program which is great because it means I’m getting even more discounts and spending less overall. They have a great top-shelf selection but they also have some super inexpensive options from sustainable growers, which is great around the holidays when I’m strapped for cash. Dog friendly, for friendly dogs, and people friendly for friendly people.

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