Polsky Shouldice & Rosen PC en Rockville Centre

Estados UnidosPolsky Shouldice & Rosen PC



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500, Merrick Road, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-594-0909
sitio web: workerscompny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.654534, Longitude: -73.63535

comentarios 5

  • en

    Frank Ledonne


    Awesome, hardworking, never give up attitude. Justin & the rest of the lawyers at P.S.R. did a great job representing me in my comp claim. Hats off to all at P.S.R. Great job guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thomas Gleason

    Thomas Gleason


    Justin was fantastic. Helped ne get right into the best hand orthopedist around, did all the paperwork, set up all the dates and ended up with much more than I figured. Highly recommend!

  • Vinny Verderosa

    Vinny Verderosa


    Justin was amazing for me. Walk me threw the step of how everything works start to finish and just made me feel comfortable. Also got me a lot of money. Had to throw that in😏. If anyone looking for a good attorney for comp this would be the place. Thanks buddy for everything!

  • en

    rashaan newsome


    They mean what they say and say what they mean. More than satisfied with the outcome. Quick and efficient

  • en

    Bigbang Jama


    Polsky , Shouldice and Rosen is a competent law practice that delivers results. The office is always clean and inviting, and the staff is pleasant. They have parking in the back which makes things that much easier. I was lucky enough to have Adam L Rosen represent me in a workers compensation case. Adam Rosen is a pleasant, down to earth and respectful individual. As for my case, he and his staff took care of everything, kept me informed and made the experience stress free along the way. Most importantly, he and his law firm delivered a relatively good result. I hope this review helps someone looking for a good lawyer.

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