Polly Hendricks & Associates w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczonePolly Hendricks & Associates


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1260, Sir Barton Way, 40509, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-543-0857
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.0218584, Longitude: -84.4208154

komentarze 1

  • Jennifer Watchorn

    Jennifer Watchorn


    I would like to make a formal complaint regarding the service I received at Dr. Polly Hendricks office. On August 29, 2013 at 1:30 I had an eye exam with contact fitting (I've been wearing contacts for almost 10 years) with Dr. Roush. I have eye care insurance through my husband Robert Watchorn's place of employment. The insurance is eye med. On August 29 the employees at the front counter of the eye exam office informed me that everything was covered by my insurance except the $60 contact fitting fee. (I'm not even sure what a contact fitting fee covers, what is the contact fitting?) I was then told my insurance provided $105 for contact materials. Then I was asked if I wanted to pay the $60 contact fitting fee out of pocket or have it taken out of the insurance $105. I elected to have the $60 taken out of the insurance amount thinking I would then have $55 to apply towards purchasing contacts when I returned once my 'trial' pair of contacts were received. Unfortunately, when I came to the office on September 12, 2013 to pick up the new 'trial' contact lenses when I inquired about the costs of ordering new contacts and how much my insurance covered I was informed that because I used the $60 for the contact fitting fee at the last appointment that I no longer had ANY coverage left through my eye insurance. When I asked for an explanation I was told that the $105 through the insurance had to be used all at one time. In no way shape or form did anyone tell me that very important tidbit of information on August 29. If they had my decision would have been very different regarding how to use the $105! I am currently unemployed and losing $55 that would go towards buying contact lenses is most certainly NOT something my husband and I can afford at this point! I'm very disappointed in the staff at this eye doctor office and am appalled at the utter lack of customer service! I'm not sure of the business relationship of this office with the LensCrafters attached to it, but to make matters even worse when I ordered new lenses for my glasses they were ordered incorrectly! So not only have I experienced issues with ordering contacts I now have to wear glasses that are 2 prescriptions old because the incorrect lenses were ordered for my glasses! I'm not sure if I simply just have bad luck when it comes to eye care or what, but I am definitely NOT a happy contented customer. I will NOT be recommending this office or LensCrafters to anyone that I know!

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