Polish Couture Nail & Spa Inc i Carle Place

Forenede StaterPolish Couture Nail & Spa Inc



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140, Glen Cove Road, 11514, Carle Place, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-739-0100
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Latitude: 40.7438763, Longitude: -73.6175845

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cecilia Rivera


    I got the unicorn design on my nails and I love it so creative I always come here and they are so patient and friendly

  • sam weng

    sam weng


    I came to do a spa pedicure after a stressful day at work and afterwards, my feet feels like a baby’s bottom. The environment is very comfortable and relaxing and the ladies working there were very experienced. Coming back next time is a definite YES and I recommend anyone who wants to take a breather from a stressful day to come to Polish Couture.

  • Lady Makeup

    Lady Makeup


    I am new to NYC,and I am very particular about any service I receive. ALL OF MY NAILS BROKE IN HALF!!! I called Katrina, she told me it's up to me to tell her if I want thick or thin NAILS!!! AREN'T YOU THE PROFESSIONAL???? However, they are completely understaffed and they need to do a little bit better as far as their English barrier. I watched this establishment lose over $1,000 in services with people walking in and out of the door because they're not efficiently staffed. Their also extremely overpriced everything is all ala carte, very confusing ,and because of their English barrier nothing was explained to me so I was a little lost. I was there for 4 hours, be prepared to wait or call and make an appointment. NEVER EVER COMING BACK!

  • Frank LiBretto

    Frank LiBretto


    I am a dude and have never reallu gone anywhere else to compare it to. My feet feel great after leaving here, and I have never had an issue, so I will give it 5 stars. I also usually get seen pretty quickly if not right away.

  • Miss Ebony

    Miss Ebony


    I love this place it's clean. The staff is professional and friendly, most of all they do great work. The pedicures are done with disposable liners. They offer UV protective gloves to those that get gel manicures. The hours of operation are convenient closing at 8 pm except Sunday and they're only closed Mondays.

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