POKE BURRI w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczonePOKE BURRI



🕗 godziny otwarcia

479, Flat Shoals Avenue Southeast, 30316, Atlanta, DeKalb County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 470-265-0778
strona internetowej: www.pokeburri.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7409074, Longitude: -84.3464539

komentarze 5

  • Stephanie Han

    Stephanie Han


    Not the best experience unfortunately. Went in with better expectations and for the price did not think the poke bowl I had was worth the money. I ordered the spicy tuna kimchi and as I was eating it my stomach started to not feel good and the discomfort lasted all day. I do wish the experience could have been better because I did want to enjoy it :(

  • Josh Singleton

    Josh Singleton


    Hidden food spot! The Poke Burri inside of, We Suki Suki A Global Grub Collective is definitely a spot one should try for some delicious poke bowls. It is a small friendly staff environment and a place one should definitely experience.

  • Andrew Tompsen

    Andrew Tompsen


    This place was delicious, it has a really cool and authentic alley type feel. Very artsy vibe inside. It's one of four restaurants inside this micro food Hall. Definitely a gem of east ATL. The portions were big too and the ingredients we're fresh. I highly recommend this place the next time you're in the mood for sushi because it's a little different and it will not break the bank. Sorry for only having one picture and not of the food!

  • Rico DeBastien

    Rico DeBastien


    Sushi Donuts... These are well worth the 5.50 price. There aren't any seats only picnic style tables so be prepared to share the table with other people. But no one minds we're all here for one reason. The food.

  • Antonio Rocha

    Antonio Rocha


    WOW!!! Why haven’t I been here before? Oh yes, because it’s tucked away in EAV with other amazing little restaurants. You will love their food. I had a little burrito and a donut. You can’t go wrong with this poke. Wish they could serve beer. I would stop here once a week if I lived closer. I highly recommend it for a fast and delicious bite.

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