Poke Bar w Charlotte

Stany ZjednoczonePoke Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

601, South Kings Drive, 28204, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 980-299-8988
strona internetowej: www.ilovepokebar.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2094517, Longitude: -80.8355389

komentarze 5

  • en

    Josh Madsen


    Staff has always been very friendly and the food has always been cold and fresh - which is what I look for in this kind of food. Every time I have eaten there I have had the protein served on salad/spring mix and it really makes for a nice light meal - even when 4 proteins. Like the house sauce and the spicy mayo mixed. Seaweed salad was yummy and I love the crispy onions. My office is near by and I love being able to walk to grab some lunch - which means I also hope that this restaurant has the staying power... May not be a bad idea to have a more aggressive rewards program or a lunch special. Unfortunately not everyone will be up for a 13.00 poke plate --- just something to think about. Wish you guys the best as you continue to serve the neighborhood very fresh and tasty food.

  • en

    Ryan Sheedy


    Food and service was fantastic. Tip: Spicy mayo and spicy tuna have a kick compared to other places. All of the food was great!

  • Kendal Walters

    Kendal Walters


    I could barely hear the girl taking my order, partially because she mumbled and partially because the glass is so high its hard for shorter people to hear. Asked what the difference in tuna and albacore was and she said pepper? Then I asked if shoyu was same as soy and she mumbled a yes but didn't seem to know. I ordered the #5 sauce (there was a list of recommended sauce combos on the counter), which was a mix of 3 including spicy mayo. When I got to the checkout I noticed no spicy mayo on it so I asked about it. She said oh I just did the sesame oil. I said I actually ordered sauce 5, including spicy mayo. She didn't say anything and just put the mayo on it. Overall food was pretty good, but not planning on going back because of the lack of customer service. They didn't seem to want to be there. Plus staff should be trained on the menu so they can answer customers' questions. PS spicy tuna is SUPER spicy. Don't order unless you have a high tolerance for spicy foods.

  • en



    Poke Bar vs Seoul Poke If Seoul Poke were 2 Miles closer, I’d visit more often due to the fact they offer fruit toppings (i.e. mango) and Poke Bar does not. So please, Poke Bar, start offering mango as a topping 🙏🏽 Portion sizes are good, 3 toppings for $10.95 is a bargain. I’ll be going back soon, hopefully to find mango as an additional offering 🙂

  • en

    Karen n


    Went here during their soft opening (afternoon) and during their grand opening (evening). Biggest problem was that portions were getting noticeably smaller down the line during the grand opening. I understand they ran out of different toppings but it's no excuse for giving smaller portions for the things they do have left. It's unfair to those who came later in the day, pay the same price yet get less food than people who came earlier in the day. This is how you generate distrust between customers and your business and should be addressed. The other problem was that I asked for 2 scoops of spicy tuna (since they ran out of salmon) and the server decided to only give me one scoop of spicy tuna and one scoop of regular tuna...despite there being spicy tuna left. This also happened with the second bowl I was ordering for someone else so it had to be deliberate on the server's part. I didn't say anything then since it was packed inside and I didn't want to hold up the line but I don't understand the decision to give me something different when what I ordered is still available. I definitely won't go back for the time being. Maybe in a few months when things have been worked out but for right now, it's a no for me.

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