Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium i Tacoma

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Forenede StaterPoint Defiance Zoo & Aquarium



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5400, North Pearl Street, 98407, Tacoma, Pierce County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 253-404-3800
internet side: www.pdza.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.3048779, Longitude: -122.5208211

kommentar 5

  • Clark S

    Clark S


    I love Point Defiance Zoo. We live closer to the Seattle Zoo but we like Point Defiance better. We like the size of this zoo better compared to Seattle. It is easier to get around and you can see more in a day than you can in Seattle. Little kid feet can only move so fast and far. The membership is definitely worth the cost if you think you'll come more than a couple times.

  • en

    Eric Ascencio


    We came for a school field trip, which at first, was going great! Yea, it's the smallest zoo EVER, but we got to pet the sting rays and sharks(really awesome experience), it wasn't crowded so moving around was smooth, the animals were all awake and since it wasn't hot out, they were all out and soaking up the attention! But then we arrive at the puffin exhibit. As me, my fiance & my 6 year old son are admiring the beautiful puffins, we look down and notice something odd. What at first seemed like 2 birds playing or snuggling, ended up being one puffin literally killing another puffin. It was a horrifying thing to witness if we're being honest. There was blood and feathers & no employee was around to help. We sent my fiance in to get help, but when he brought the situation to a zoo employee's attention, her response was" yea the puffins, I KNOW! You're like the 5th person to tell me!" she then continued on with her presentation. I couldn't allow my son to keep watching this, so we all left. when I looked back, I saw another lady-WHO DOESN'T WORK THERE- sticking her hand in the exhibit and trying to help the bird, STILL, no employee in sight. I don't really understand why it wasn't important for them to save a dying animal in their zoo. Not only are their exhibits already SUPER SMALL and sad, I thought one of the biggest reasons for zoo's is for ANIMAL CONSERVATION?!?!?!!!!!!!! Besides being able to touch the sting rays, this was by far the worst zoo experience we have ever had. We will definitely be sticking to the woodland park zoo where the animals actually have habitat to roam and the penguins & all other animals aren't looking miserable and sad.

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    Sean Mix


    A great Zoo, with a nice smallish Aquarium. Set next to a nice park., with a fort in it. FREE Parking and no Seattle traffic to deal with. Gets pretty busy on a sunny weekend. Pack a lunch and have a picnic, or get food there. Inside and outside seating also. Good for little and big kids.

  • Daniel VanDorn

    Daniel VanDorn


    Oh where to start. First off this zoo is busy.. super busy. After parking in the back 40 and hiking down to the entrance with 4 crazy excited kids we start our journey down winding paths to see some of the most depressed, sad looking animals I have ever seen in my life. Soon or journey became that (to find one creature happily living in this place of refuge) note: these animals did however look very well taken care of. So after searching we did find our goal. The aquarium.... it's a very nice aquarium. My kids were very disappointed.

  • Hannah Davidson

    Hannah Davidson


    Love this zoo. It has plenty of parking accommodations, lovely exhibits to see the animals, and a park, too. The kids absolutely love feeding the goats and birds (when in season) and the foxes! Wish there were more for little ones to do (under 2) because our 17m old really only gets to sit in the stroller the whole time as everything's so spread out, but my 5 year old really enjoys it. Best zoo in the area.

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