Po-Boy's w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczonePo-Boy's



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930, West Sublett Road, 76017, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-472-7188
strona internetowej: www.po-boysmenu.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6450674, Longitude: -97.1244182

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ad t


    Some of the nastiest chicken you’ll ever eat !! Chicken was burnt , dry , no taste !!! Onion rings were so burnt that the inside was pretty much gone ! Fries were soggy and cold ! The chick cooking the food was wearing no gloves, and the other one that took our order looked like she had just got out of bed and her neck was full of hickies .

  • en

    Terrie Williams


    If this place has any affiliation to the 'Po Boys' on Collins and Green Oaks it is an epic fail. I asked staff if they were affiliated with the Collins and Green Oaks location and staff said yes so I ordered the wings. Epic fail, the wings did not compare to the wings at the Collins location. The wings were not thoroughly sauced. None of the individuals prepping the food had on any gloves and a guy returned with a delivery bag turned on some rap music; too loud I may add and started prepping food. I never seen him wash his hands but he could have done it out of my view. I do not foresee returning.

  • Scott King

    Scott King


    This review is only for their pizza. I've been looking for good pizza in Arlington / Ft. Worth for 20 years. I grew up in the North where finding good Mexican food was hard but finding great pizza was easy. Texas pizza has always left me disappointed. I found Pizza Guy's & Grill on Door Dash and followed up a week later with carryout. It's the best I've had in the area. Better than: Mama's, Prespa's, Corky's, Joe's, New York's Best, all the chains, Mr. Jims, & every other place I've tried over the years. I did notice the restaurant could use a good cleaning and the employees should wear gloves but hopefully the oven burnt off the germs :-)

  • en

    Dylan Wise


    They took 15 min to long on delivery but food was warm i ordered bacon cheeseburger which was not bacon but some plastic type meat with stuffed jalapenos and got Mozzeralla sticks instead if ur gonna have tasty menu items but not serve Whats the point to give Mozzeralla instead of stuffed jalapenos by the way 7up is not Sprite. I also ordered chicken fried steak fingers and they gave me chicken strips u cant charge me 20 $ for that bs service hope u get better management

  • Ann Moore

    Ann Moore


    Went to this place they have a flyer that says one price, you walk in there is a different price, and a website that has totally different prices. They refuse to honor the website prices. They claim that they just took over so they are not going to honor any of the other prices. The lady who is working the register also has on acrylic nails, no gloves and touching and making food.

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