PNC Bank i Greenbelt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPNC Bank



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7300, Hanover Parkway, 20770, Greenbelt, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-220-7269
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9899082, Longitude: -76.8785125

kommentar 5

  • Laverne Middleton

    Laverne Middleton


    Customer service today was horrible at the drive thru. One teller said one thing just send form, DL after I informed her I did not know my accounts number or have the ATM card requested was sent. The second teller sent it back tells me to write my ssn on the back on the form. SSN written on the back then sent to the teller. Then she sent it back again write the signature the same as your DL. When you knew the signature was not up to your standards why you did not say that when you requested my ssn on the back on the withdrawal slip. Then smile as if the disrespect and back & forward was funny

  • Jannatul Ferdous

    Jannatul Ferdous


    The manager and all associates are very friendly. Got out of the bank in less than 15 minutes. Branch manager Paul was very helpful and professional.

  • Avnie Vaughan

    Avnie Vaughan


    Came to PNC to get my identity verified so that I can access my bonds and the service associate Vandana Gosain refused to look at the document the treasury department sent over for them to verify me. She was very dismissive and rude (raising her voice), terrible customer service and told me to go get verified at UPS when the document clearly stated it had to be verified by MY financial institution, which is PNC. I don't know if she can't read or what but because of her rude and dismissive behavior, I went to several other banks and they all told me it had to be done thru MY bank and they didn't understand why she wouldn't just sign the document. Luckily there is a PNC branch inside of the Giant in beltway plaza, they sent me to Rockville and I was able to get it done. It's funny because Mrs. Vandana Gosain was very polite a few weeks ago when i opened an account with PNC but today very disrespectful.

  • Ahmad Wahid Haqiqi

    Ahmad Wahid Haqiqi


    Worst banking ever seen. Wanted to refinance my car loan. Asked for assisstance and then sitting there for half hr nobody even interested to talk to you. Finally had to leave without talking to anybody.

  • Dan Dassoulas

    Dan Dassoulas


    I love PNC, but this is by far the worst branch I've ever been in. One instance I was lied to about a check writing fee. Another instance, I had to wait for over an hour to apply for a non-secured loan, with no one else in line. I didn't understand at all why. Too bad there isn't another PNC Closer.

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