Plymouth Relocation Services w New Hyde Park

Stany ZjednoczonePlymouth Relocation Services



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1979, Marcus Avenue, 11042, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 800-592-1833
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7550273, Longitude: -73.6935624

komentarze 5

  • Priyanka Reddy

    Priyanka Reddy


    Two Stars for their relocation service and ZERO stars for their customer service. We have used the services in August'17 . Service was OK .But we were double charged almost 720$ and they promised(Have mails and Voice Mails) to ship a check within 4 weeks , Which never came . We have been trying to contact them for last 8 months . They wont operate in winter time, So made us to wait for the Spring time to connect to theirs back office.Now every time whenever we call customer care we have to explain the whole story and then call goes to hold for indefinite time. Maximum time we were waiting on being hold was 37mins but had to drop off after that . We have screenshots of call logs will share the screen shots.




    This company by far is the worst moving company I have ever dealt with. Sebastian Shaw “ quoted” me a move for both my belongings as well as my vehicles and when the movers came in the informed me that they now needed an additional $2000 dollars in order to move my belongings because apparently Sebastian failed to list things i had given him when they did an over the phone inventory. To make matters worse, I had to call them several times the day before my move was schedule as they never called me to provide me with a time for my vehicle pickup and after several times being put on hold and given the run around I was told that the carrier had a truck issue and that they are now not picking up my car. I asked to get a carrier phone number in order to see what can be done and no info was provided. DONT USE THIS COMPANY!????

  • en

    Shawnee Hollingsby


    They did such a great job! We didn't anticipate moving so quickly and they were able to book something with us quickly. We plan on moving them again soon to move again. Moving homes is not fun but Plymouth Relocation Services makes it much easier!

  • Eidi Calderhead

    Eidi Calderhead


    Move was great and went very smooth. Highly recommended! Team arrived on time, they did a quick tour around the house and got to work (including packing). The phone estimate was 5 hours and they even finished a few minutes early. During the unpacking, it was clear that they handled all with care. Great worry-free service.

  • en

    Refugio Odom


    These guys are great! I would definitely use them again! They work fast, they're professional, and they can handle moving furniture down three flights of stairs with no problem! I really recommend using them if you need help moving. These guys will take care of you.

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