Площадь Херст i New York

Forenede StaterПлощадь Херст


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30, Lincoln Center Plaza, 10023, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
internet side: yourevent.lincolncenter.org
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Latitude: 40.7731555, Longitude: -73.983667

kommentar 5

  • Len Yeh

    Len Yeh


    It's a fine place to relax on the grass, but you aren't allowed to take your shirt off (believe me I've tried). Lincoln Center is a bit too stuffy for that.

  • Mr XP

    Mr XP


    A peaceful plaza with a beautiful reflection pool. A perfect place to sit around the pool before the concerts.

  • Mark Ling

    Mark Ling


    Great, tasteful place, with some free performance during the summer.

  • Winnie Pan

    Winnie Pan


    Perfect place at summer night! Laying on the grass for a little rest after the concert is such a pleasure;)

  • Jacqueline Johnston

    Jacqueline Johnston


    Lovely little plaza. The trees and abundant, moveable chairs are nice because you can relax comfortably in the shade. The bench is also nice and long enough for many people/ strangers or friends/ to sit together.

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