Plato's Closet i Memphis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4760, Poplar Avenue, 38117, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 901-761-1616
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Latitude: 35.1154767, Longitude: -89.9034556

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gigi Boyd


    A joke of inventory when you see an "Adecco" logo t-shirt which is a temp agency being sold because of the Nike swoosh on the front I guess. ..but really they accepted that for inventory but my excellent condition? authentic brand name items were not accepted due to inventory. ..really. ..they need better merchandise intake people because the stuff they take in is a BIG joke...I've seen better at lesser thrift stores. ..

  • krisjay baker

    krisjay baker


    I spent 76 dollars a few days ago on a bunch of stuff. The guy told me i had 7 dollars to refund anything. But I go today to return 3 items that were too small and they told me i couldn't because return or exchange because they were final sell. I should of been informed from the get go because if I knew that I would of tried them on before I bought them

  • LeAnn Rickman

    LeAnn Rickman


    I love Plato's but the clothing selection was not up to par per say. Shoes were dirty and the clothes were not worth looking at. Also the shoe size collection was either extremely small or extremely big.

  • Ariella Powell

    Ariella Powell


    Love their clothes for my husband, but wish they would just take anything that looks good on people or would

  • Stace Mo

    Stace Mo


    I’ve stopped going here because the second time I went I caught them profiling someone. Yes they be profiling and discriminating! They always be thinking black people are stealing or trying to sell stolen goods. So, I called and asked were they accepting bodysuit because I actually sell clothes, online store. I have some extra inventory still in plastic and on hanger from the wholesale person. They told me sure we’re accepting them. I drove from Midtown to this location when I typically go to Cordova. One chick checked me in and all of a sudden another chick walks up look at me straight profiling. You can’t judge people based off how they look etc. I just finished working out and running errands. She flipped my yellow paper Over after looking at me head to toe and wrote something. I leave go get some to eat come back oh give us a minute we’re looking at your items. We all can tell when something has been “looked at” my stuff was in same condition. On hangers and in plastic. We can’t accept this because of style. I said no you told me you were accepting bodysuits as long as they was BRAND NEW. I’ve been shopping with them since 2000 I know how it goes. If it’s brand new they will buy it. But this location so busy assuming all black people come in there and if they clothes don’t look like the goodwill stuff they use to, you are trying to sell stolen stuff. I’ve witnessed the weirdo that was Manager that worked there with all those horrible tatts and body piercing literally call police on black people for real. But I will take my behind back to the Southaven or Cordova location. They weren’t this bad when they was on Perkins Ext.

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