Planned Parenthood - Newburgh Health Center w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczonePlanned Parenthood - Newburgh Health Center



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136, Lake Street, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-562-7800
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.4966572, Longitude: -74.0297936

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joe T


    The most unprofessional place I have walked into. Front desk lady was completely rude and had an attitude as soon as we walked in. Accused us of being rude she comes in the lobby and starts causing a scene and yelling at us, in Front of other patients. Throwing her arms and pointing. I feel that she is racist cause she acted fine with the other patients of other colors. As a someone who works in the medical field she is the most unprofessional person I met. Causing a scene for no reason is deplorable and uncalled for, she should be ashamed. This is not just the only complate by other people in this facility about this same women.

  • Wanda Perez-Zapata

    Wanda Perez-Zapata


    The personnel is kind, polite, discreet, and efficient

  • Adriane Guerreiro

    Adriane Guerreiro


    Very very nice people there. I had a good time and a lot of help

  • en

    Sarah Dioguardi


    I do not have enough wonderful things to say about this PP. I walked in without an appointment, during a truly difficult experience, and the women there 💯 went out of their way for me. Compassionate and caring, they really try to accommodate everyone - which can lead to long wait times - DEAL WITH IT! I saw someone walk out today cussing at the staff while I was there and it was really sad. This organization is really trying to do the best they can for ev-ery-one. If you want a short line, make an appointment, or go to a private practice. Not only did they hand-hold me through my visit, I left with caring hugs. I stand with PP.

  • en

    Heather Rose


    The doctor couldn't tell me what wrong with she say I was fine when I obivously was in very bad .She also gave me the wrong medicine n still not better

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