PKL Physical Therapy - Amityville w Amityville

Stany ZjednoczonePKL Physical Therapy - Amityville



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11, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-691-6900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6714392, Longitude: -73.4160393

komentarze 5

  • en

    Danny Gillen


    Fantastic Service and the most importantly incredibly caring staff, in the Amityville location. Anthony Morelli, PTA has been working with my 85 year old Mom for a period of time now and her progress is incredible. If it was not for the efforts of PKL and specifically Anthony I know Mom would not have been able to maintain her quality of life and remain with us at home. It is hard work for all but Anthony is the high point of Mom's week. Anthony is one of the most knowledgeable and caring individuals you can ever hope to meet and have in your home working with a beloved family member. Thank you Anthony and PKL! Can not sing your praises enough. Thanks Dan & Deb Gillen

  • en

    Bob Slomkowski


    I cant say enough wonderful things about the staff at PKL. I came in with a badly bruised, left knee and i am now back to practicing martial arts. Highly organized and efficient in dealing with my orthopedist. Hardworking and caring when it came to my rehabilitation. I would highly recommend this facility and or use again. Thank You PKL!!!

  • en



    This weeks will be my final appointment at PKL PT, which was compulsory after a dreaded spinal fusion I limped in, 4 months ago, and was immediately started on a regimen of muscle strengthening, endurance, balance and of of course, the deep tissue massage. Anthony and Eddie are master physical therapists. The crew of assistants were my cheering squad, always optimistic and motivational. The front desk is always cheerful. I was there for lumbar therapy, yet over the summer my knee became very painful. Anthony amended my program and within a week my knee was functioning. I am very grateful. PKL is very clean and bright and the atmosphere is upbeat and friendly. I was recommended to PKL by a friend, and I would like to pass this endorsement on to anyone considering physical therapy. Thank you to all at PKL. Mary Beth Scarola

  • Donna Ferrante

    Donna Ferrante


    No pain, no gain. PKL and their staff are wonderful. The exercises are hard but they help immensely. They teach you how to do them at home. I loved everyone there and their kindness is unsurpassed. The massages really help. I would recommend anyone needing this sort of help to come here.

  • en

    Barbara Bride


    I go on a regular basis - 1-2 times per week and have done so for years. Staff are professional and very helpful. Recently I had hip replacement surgery and both Eddie and Anthony have helped to relieve the stiffness in my hip. I highly recommend PKL for both exercise and therapy.

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