Pizza Taglio w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczonePizza Taglio



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126, South Highland Avenue, 15206, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-404-7410
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.460287, Longitude: -79.92509

komentarze 5

  • en

    Harold Elliot


    I am very disappointed with Pizza Taglio. Being from New Haven, I take pizza seriously. I have wanted to try this restaurant for a long time. We tried to call to see if we could get an order to go, but they did not answer the phone. No problem, it was dinner time, and we figured they probably don't do take out. We checked the Pizza Taglio website which confirmed they were open till 10 pm. So we drove down, paid to park, and found that the restaurant was closed for a private party. I guess they couldn't be bothered to put a message on their phone or website. From what I have read, the pizza is excellent. Unfortunately, the bitter taste of bad customer service overpowers even the best food. I'm thinking if this was the way the owner ran his law business, it is no wonder why he is making pizza now. As Pittsburgh progresses into a regional pizza destination, poor pizza practices won't be tolerated by an increasingly sophisticated clientele. I do look forward to returning and actually eating the pizza. I will update my review accordingly. But darn, its 2018. Use technology to let your customers know when you can't fulfill what is promised on the website.

  • Natasha Hazelwood

    Natasha Hazelwood


    Absolutely incredible. Amazing food; amazing atmosphere, amazing people. A simple dinner turned into a night we will always remember. Cheers 🥂

  • Tom Dempsey, Jr.

    Tom Dempsey, Jr.


    Great food. Great service. Good prices. Kitchen a bit slow. I'll say great food again. It really is outstanding.

  • en



    Good pizza! Nice atmosphere. They had actually run out of dough for thicker crust just as we'd walked in, so they gave us a second thin crust pizza on-the-house, which was a nice gesture and good customer service! The owner came out and talked with us about the pizza and chatted with us for a while. He was a nice guy, and our waitress was nice as well. Good experience!

  • Steve Moritz

    Steve Moritz


    We started with sharing the Arugula Salad - fantastic flavor and the fresh mozzarella blew us away! Three of us shared two pizzas, which was more than enough. The Ricotta Pie was our favorite. Very friendly and a warm atmosphere.

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