Pizza Hut w Houston

Stany ZjednoczonePizza Hut



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1225, Westheimer Road, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-521-3366
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7437705, Longitude: -95.3945392

komentarze 5

  • Dominic Austin

    Dominic Austin


    Worst experience ever. Called in for carry out. Closes at 11, got there at 10:40. Door is locked. I call and they try to make me walk through the drive thru. I decline and the manager insults me. I will never get anything from here and don’t suggest anyone do either.

  • en

    Ulises Calixto


    I place an online order and after waiting for about 1.5 hours I called customer service hotline since the store was closed and told them that the store was taking too long to deliver my food. I was told to wait until 12am and if it is not yet delivered, the order will get voided and I will get a refund. I ended up never getting my order and getting a refund. I will never order for delivery at this location specially at night.

  • Brandon Hunter

    Brandon Hunter


    Would be nice if they delivered to my home which is 1.6 miles away

  • en

    kash king


    Not only did they serve me a pizza that was not to my liking, but it was also not what i ordered. The driver didnt do a good job in handling the situation, and a hour and 15mins lter i was at the location wanting a refund, and the Management did nothing to change my mind. I hate that kind of service.

  • Jeremy Johnson

    Jeremy Johnson


    Super slow tonight but pizza was great. We received a delicious wing flavor but not the one we ordered.

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