&pizza w Washington

Stany Zjednoczone&pizza



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666, Monroe Street Northeast, 20017, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 202-733-1287
strona internetowej: andpizza.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9325821, Longitude: -76.9966963

komentarze 5

  • en



    I come to this &Pizza location a few times a month. Usually the staff is friendly, quick and very willing to customize your pizza. We enjoy &Pizza because the flavor combinations are limitless. Plus we enjoy the unique sodas.

  • Kevin Hernandez

    Kevin Hernandez


    I think I went during the wrong day/time to this establishment, but I have had way better experiences at other &pizza locations. I would save your time going here on a Sunday evening and travel a bit further downtown to the Chinatown location. I came here on 4/15/18 at 8:09PM. The biggest drawbacks was the guy working the counter (wish I could know his name but the employees don't wear name tags and he failed to introduce himself or the company when taking our order). There was no customer service in the brief encounter that we ordered, he simply looked bothered we were there and I was another pain to his day. I don't know about everyone else, but "What you want on this?" as the first statement to a customer is very displeasing. Furthermore, our pizzas got little to no pizza sauce or cheese on the foundation of it. The next guy putting on toppings was a bit more generous with toppings, but then we encountered the original guy once more at the cashier. We moved to the cashier/boxing side of their cue line and waited and no one acknowledged us. The female cashier was putting in boxes of online orders in. Then the guy came and did the same, but we thought it was our pizza so we were trying to ask for our final condiments on the pizza but he immediately snapped saying "this ain't yours". Customer service, I can't emphasize this enough about how it is lacking. I want to attribute this to the time of day and that it was near closing but man what a disgusting experience and very bland and unappetizing pie we had.

  • Kayla Stuart

    Kayla Stuart


    I love that I can add almost any topping and it still be the same price. Whole, fresh ingredients just drew me right in. The decor is super hip and the crew was nice. I'll gave to say the soda fountain is so with getting. The cereal milk soda is out of this world! A DC must for pizza!

  • Anna Sumner

    Anna Sumner


    It wasn't busy when my friend and I stopped by so there was no wait. Sparked up conversation with Avery, Keela, and Chris as they prepped our pizzas. The service was great. The dining area was super neat as well. Street parking wasn't hard to find nearby. I recommend American Honey for fans of sweet and spicy.

  • Matt Dora

    Matt Dora


    First came here to this particular &pizza a little over a year ago. It is a “have it your way” style pizza shop. The pizza is unlike any other I’ve had, it comes shapes like a long oval. The employees and manager (the one with sleeve tats) are very courteous and attentive. I highly recommend this &pizza located on the strip of Monroe Market that is all brand new construction and fully gentrified.

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