Pizza 2000 w Newark

Stany ZjednoczonePizza 2000



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19, Court Street, 07102, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-623-2300
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7308462, Longitude: -74.1766202

komentarze 5

  • Angelina Moore

    Angelina Moore


    I am not stratified with this place. I placed my order at 10:45pm and its 2 hours later and still didn't get my food. I will never order from this place again. I wish I could give them no stars.

  • Nubah Marium

    Nubah Marium


    5 STARS!!! I recently ordered from here and I couldn't be more satisfied! Contrary to the reviews I read, the customer service is great, the delivery time is normal, and the food is great!. After reading the reviews, I decided to take a chance and order from here. All aspects of the order exceeds expectations in every way. The pizza had a very fluffy crust and a great flavor, the wings were sweet and spicy in the best way. And the gyro, is indescribable. Hands down, I am a very, very ,very happy customer

  • en

    Alaysia Collins


    i wouldn't even give this place one star . I ordered a pizza and soda at 11:33 and at 12:30 i called them because it still wasnt there the guy asked for my address i gave it he said twenty minutes and hung up on me. I called back at 1:13am and they placed me on hold then kept hanging up on me. My boyfriend called gave my address he told him 20 minutes we said you told us 20 minutes 30 minutes ago they hung up on us. i kept calling its almost 2 am. finally someone who speaks clear english answers and say 10mins my pizza never came and they told grubhub they made an attempt and then they wouldnt give me refund for food i never got horrible customer service i will never order from here again

  • chahatkumar patel

    chahatkumar patel


    Read the reviews and was hesitant to order. Was super hungry I decided to give them a try at 11:45pm. Ordered their veggies 2000 got it at 12:45pm. Pizza was as described as the menu. Tasted great little warm not as hot as I like I used to but weather's fault not theirs. It's 34f when I ordered.

  • en

    R London


    If I could give this place no stars I would . We ordered 2 pizza's one extra pepperoni and 1 extra cheese and was charged for it but received 1 cold pizza with 5 Pepperoni's on it ..literally 5. When I inquired about the order the delivery man bashir yasin was very rude, took the Money and walked quickly out the door. We called the restaurant who swears they gave us the right order but then agreed to give us a new pizza tomorrow so to be continued.

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