Pita Pit i Nashville

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121, 2nd Avenue North, 37201, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 615-255-7482
internet side: www.pitapitusa.com
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Latitude: 36.1625311, Longitude: -86.7757371

kommentar 5

  • Aquafina237



    It was alright, it's really just a Subway, but with pita bread. They taste good, but nothing special. I tried their smoothies, but I wouldn't order them again because I found them to be too liquidy. The staff was friendly though.

  • Michael Satterfield

    Michael Satterfield


    Awesome place! Clean and awesome food! Rachel was awesome..made it a memorable experience. I'm def coming back

  • lisa lutz

    lisa lutz


    Great food! Fast and friendly.

  • Chandrasekhar Polavarapu

    Chandrasekhar Polavarapu


    I don't know why people gave 5 stars for this restaurant but, it doesn't deserve 5*. For the record I've been to this place almost 3-4 times listening to the same person it's good. But, IT IS NOT EXCELLENT. but it's okay. In that busy area, may be it worth your *8$.

  • en

    Rob Young


    Prices are crazy, portions pretty small. Super crowded and all the seats are right next to the line, so you will have people hovering over you while you eat. If you're drunk enough to wait 30 minutes for a pita, you're gonna go there anywhere so why are you reading this?

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