Stany ZjednoczonePIT STOP XPRESS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

900, Grapevine Highway, 76054, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-577-4280
strona internetowej: locations.expresscare.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8526158, Longitude: -97.1892386

komentarze 5

  • Carrie Ebbesen

    Carrie Ebbesen


    I cannot say enough about Andy and the staff at Pit Stop Xpress. I have taken my cars there for at least 10 years for everything from oil changes , and routine maintenance to major repair. They are honest and their prices are reasonable. I have never felt pressured to do anything - in fact one time I was positive my brakes were bad - they looked at them and said no , found something that was just loose, tightened it up, didn't charge me and off I went.

  • chrisebbe72



    Andy has been taking care of me and my extended family for over 10 years now. I truly consider him a friend and more over, has saved me thousand's of dollars in unnecessary repairs. He and his team are professional and efficient. He is also one of the most honest and trustworthy guys I have ever meet in the auto repair business and as we all know, that is VERY hard to come by. Most of his employees are my oldest son's age (22) and it is nice to see Andy giving them an opportunity to make a living while also mentoring them thru the first years of adulthood. We need more small business owners like Andy! I have taken 8 cars to him over the years and will continue to do so! He will take care of you!

  • en

    DeeDee grider


    I highly recommend Pit Stop Xpress! They are fast, professional, and great at what they do! We have been bringing our cars here since 2008 and I am so glad that we have a place that we trust. The owner, Andy Dodson, truly cares about the service each customer receives. Hands down they are the best. This is THE place to take your cars!

  • en

    jessica Decandia


    Customer for 4 years now. This team is knowledgable, respectable, helpful, reliable, reasonable and I could go on forever. Their ability to accommodate you the second you pull in! they are honest and explain things in a way people can understand.. It's such a positive vibe up there. Amazing team work and car is always better than new when I get it back from these guys! Highly recommend to all who are needing their car properly serviced!!!!

  • Jason S

    Jason S


    Great fast service! Price was beyond reasonable, staff was super knowledgeable. I would recommend Pit Stop Express to anyone.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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