Pinoy Food Republic w Carson

Stany ZjednoczonePinoy Food Republic



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22200, South Main Street, 90745, Carson, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 310-952-9878
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8252524, Longitude: -118.2758572

komentarze 5

  • Jojo Jojo

    Jojo Jojo


    6/16/22 = 5 Star = Another good deal breakfast and yummy too. 9/26/20 = 5 star = Another day of good service , but we missed the breakfast deal . 1/25/20 = 5 star = We came on breakfast and it's really good deal on their breakfast deal , only $4.99 on two entry . And costumer sevice is verygood, We will keep coming here . 2019 = 5 star = So far we love it. Very nice people.

  • Abe San

    Abe San


    A busy fast food place, that guarantees fresh choices of entrees daily plus a baker's dozen plus of desserts. Primo!

  • Just Me

    Just Me


    I was amazed the first day i visited this restaurant. There are lots of food to choose from and i enjoyed the food. But on my next visits I noticed that foods are too oily even on vegetables. Too much oil floating in every dishes. It's not healthy at all. I hope the owner will improve their cooking. Less oil, less fats, less cholesterol... and more awareness on healthy living, healthy food for Filipino folks.

  • Russ Lacuata

    Russ Lacuata


    I've always wanted to try this Filipino restaurant. It's tucked away in a corner of a small plaza. I was pretty busy lunch rush hour when I arrived. I like that they have plenty of dishes that I'm familiar of as well as fried fish and BBQ meats. I opted for the Combo meal with Pancit, Fried Tuna Steak, Pinakbet and Dinakdakan. They also have freshly made desserts by the cash register. The quality of the dishes was excellent and authentic tasting like home cooked style. I wish the portion size is a bit more. The Banana turon was disappointed. It tasted like it was frozen and it wasn't crunchy as I would like.

  • April Lopez

    April Lopez


    This carinderia is going downhill... employees don't change gloves, handling food and money wearing same gloves, we weren't asked if we're willing to wait, they just said yes we have that then made us wait while they cook our order. Some people are in a hurry that's why we opted take-out. The fried food we bought was just refried from yesterday, it was as hard as a concrete block you throw at your enemy! We're not buying food from them again, we threw half the food in the trash. Ever wondered why they have a big C on the window and not A like most restaurants? There you go... Who knows how dirty their kitchen is.

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