Pinks Pizza w Houston

Stany ZjednoczonePinks Pizza



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1403, Heights Boulevard, 77008, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-864-7465
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Latitude: 29.7965035, Longitude: -95.3982792

komentarze 5

  • Fay Brink

    Fay Brink


    A better than average slice even super late at night. I left happy and full.

  • en

    Anthony Gonzalez


    Good pizza, the wings could use some work; the sauce wasn't there for me (although, who really goes to a pizza joint for wings anyway?). All the other sides like the cheesy and pepperoni bread are really good, but the marinara sauce they give you is very watery. The individual slices are reasonably priced for the amount of pizza and toppings they give you! They have one of those glass door coolers for their drinks and the selection is very limited but they have some sodas and water

  • Ray Caywood

    Ray Caywood


    Sparse toppings (5 olives for an entire half of pizza? Really?), wrong ingredients (even though they repeated it back correctly). Manager said he would send gift certificate for error but never did. For the price you pay here it should be a MUCH better experience. Won't be back.

  • J. Caballero

    J. Caballero


    Really good pizza. Wings were good. Cheese sticks could be cheesier. A little more pricey than Id like. I can go to Frank's pizza and spend the same amount and walk out with two more appetizers.

  • Marie Scott

    Marie Scott


    I'm sure other locations may be better but this one was very low on the awesome scale. My husband always ordered carryout but decided for my first time there I should dine-in. Well my first issue is they didn't have any plates available unless you ask for them. Like really? Am I supposed to eat this greasy pizza with just a napkin? Also they were very greedy with the pepperoni and cheese. I also ordered the 5pc hot wings extra well done/crispy, which didn't come out that way. The skin was still flappy and they taste a lot like Tyson frozen wings. This location was the closest to our house and it sucks that it didn't work out.

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