Pinkie Nail & Spa w Closter

Stany ZjednoczonePinkie Nail & Spa



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15, Vervalen Street, 07624, Closter, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-750-8989
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.970924, Longitude: -73.958627

komentarze 5

  • en

    Raquel Flores


    Amazing spa!!! the owner was very attentive and caring, she fully explained everything and took her time to do my nails . My nails are very thin , so she suggested the nail strengthener I got the Tuscan wine therapy spa pedicure It was heavenly!!! The foot massage was amazing... Definitely going back. Highly recommend this place.

  • Isela Cantuarias

    Isela Cantuarias


    The place is beautiful decorate but needs better management. They are nice but as New customer, I just feel they were trying to sell me more services. No a problem with that but then I will expect them to be delivered. I can see the person who was doing my pedicure was her first day. She is very nice lady but I think the owner was corcern about just selling and didn’t give her the chance to review the products with her and instructed and go over. I can see poorly her didn’t know how to even use the product that her boss just sold me. That’s not fair for both of us, customer and employee. Business owner is supposed to trained her staff before being with a customer specially new customer and make things worst she left just after that, she didn’t even care. Also they need to go over new colors and diversity and manicure was even worst, cuticles were not trimmed, and poor paint brush technique , so un even. So disappointed, I thought it will be my new nail salon, I guess not. I ended it up going another place and get it re done and paying doble for same service

  • en

    Peter Ryu


    I bought gift card for my wife . She love pinkies day spa . I would like to thank you to all the pinkies staffs members for good care for my wife . Very good massage , good facial and reflexology pedicure. Thank you for good care for my wife .

  • Angie Auriti

    Angie Auriti


    The place is very nice and clean. Staff are so nice and price is very good. They do an amazing job. I got a pedicure done in January and it is now March and it is still on. I am definitely going to go back.

  • en

    sora Lee


    Price is almost double and service is bad... Place is clean... If they do something about their service they will be good

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