Pilates Sports & Fitness w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczonePilates Sports & Fitness


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1020, South Mill Avenue, 85281, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-690-4073
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4184747, Longitude: -111.940271

komentarze 5

  • AM H

    AM H


    Absolutely awesome instructors!!! Sharla and Mandy will make you sweat. You will discover muscles you didn't know you had!

  • en

    Kell Dogg


    I have been going here for a year now and I must say that it has significantly exceeded my expectations in every way. And, the best part of Sharla's biz is Sharla herself. After parking my butt in an office chair for 30 years my back had deteriorated badly and I was in significant pain constantly that significantly limited my activity. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, arthritis in the lumbar spine, and a torn disc. I was in despair. I was somewhat resistant to start something like Pilates for a number of reasons. First, being right next to the university I thought that it would be a bunch of young college students looking at themselves in the mirror and each other, and there for something entirely different than I was. Secondly, i was concerned about cost. Thirdly, I expected a monthly membership fee, and a year long commitment. Well, none of these turned out to be the case. I would describe her clientele has having a relatively normal distribution of the population ranging from college students, to professors, to, retired people like me. Secondly, her prices were remarkably reasonable. Thirdly, there is no monthly membership fee. You pay as you go other than a discount if you purchases at least 4 sessions. And, if you need to cancel, or reschedule Sharla is remarkably reasonable and flexible. When I arrived for my first session Sharla did an evaluation. She took photos of me standing, recording me walking, etc. When she showed them to me I was shocked at what bad shape I am in. Drooping shoulder, one hip hitched up, bad posture, and a gate in which one leg swung forward rather than moving straight forward, etc. I was immediately impressed with Sharla's happy, cheerful, encouraging nature combined with her confidence that she was going to be able to fix all of this. I was a bit skeptical initially at just how much we would be able to accomplish. Just a few months into it I was already feeling much better. And, drooping shoulder was gone, gate and posture were more normal. Now I was a believer. I've continued to go regularly, and after a year now as amazing as this is to me my back feels like I'm in my 20's again. I have been so impressed with the progress that I recently asked Sharla to expand our program to include overall fitness and strengthening. We're working on arms and legs as well.

  • Korrie Gernert

    Korrie Gernert


    Best studio in town. Family owned, amazing teachers and amazing classes!

  • Kailey Renee

    Kailey Renee


    Sharla and her amazing family have helped me in more ways than one. They are so kind and really focus on form. I appreciate everything they've done and value their inputs when attempting excercises. They will work with all fitness levels and improve your health/confidence overall. I highly recommend this ADORABLE location and encourage anyone to try them out. I promise you and your booty will thank yourself that you did! Xoxo KB Kailey

  • asia lugo

    asia lugo


    Pilates Sports & Fitness has the best ambiance of any fitness studio in the east valley. All of the instructors are encouraging and engaging and members of the studio are friendly and welcoming. Sharla has done an excellent job of creating the best neighborhood fitness studio.

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