Pier 1 Imports w Miami Beach

Stany ZjednoczonePier 1 Imports



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1130, 5th Street, 33139, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-532-3047
strona internetowej: www.pier1.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7740012, Longitude: -80.1402373

komentarze 5

  • en

    Melissa Jones


    I had come to this location because they were the only ones that had the items I needed. I ordered online the other morning after calling I confirmed the items were in the store. I later received a call from a girl named Angie telling me they only had one of the two items in stock. I was a little upset because I was previously told both were in stock. I'm guessing Angie sensed the frustration in my voice and immediately stepped in with her Superwoman cape. To say she was helpful would not do her justice. She was WONDERFUL!!! Not only did she check to see if the item was available at another store, she offered alternative solutions and items. She was patient, kind and made me and my daughter feel at home. I wished more people like Angie worked in retail. I probably wouldn't shop online as often. I will definitely be visiting again.




    Store inventory is really good

  • en

    Carlos Figueredo


    Very attentive young girl helped me out looking for the right furniture for my wife.

  • OyOy Antoine

    OyOy Antoine


    Okay, I cannot take away stars if a place does not have product I like, or if it does not match my price point. Pier 1 is a chain retailer, reliably presenting products no matter the location. I am glad that Pier 1 is in South Beach, it is a store that contributes to our little neighborhood. We get our pillar candles here for the dining room table, a case of them lasts about six months. It is always a pleasure to shop and browse the eclectic range of home furnishings here, the ideas and accents are always insightful.

  • Joel Hanley

    Joel Hanley


    They offer delivery, which is nice. I walked there amd didn't see any parking directly attached (though I could have issued it). There is parking across the street in the garage, and less than an hour is free. The shop was clean, with a wide selection of things.

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