Piazza Pizza & Cafe i Wallington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPiazza Pizza & Cafe



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168, Main Avenue, 07057, Wallington, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-777-1168
internet side: piazzapizzapaterson.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8545453, Longitude: -74.1112763

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rosaria Tripodi


    I just had Piazza Pizza cater my father's birthday and my daughter's first birthday. The food was beyond my expectations and everyone was pleased. I highly recommend them for any event!

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    Theodore Stark


    Used to be an ok place but the quality has changed. Most choices come with small portion but high prices. The prices have soared and the management is hazardous. The manager/owner has no concern for proper sanitary procedures such as NOT washing hands before preparing food after handling private/personal property. The counter employees are fairly nice but have vague understadiund of customer service. Over all could use some improvement.

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    Maria Obando


    Excellent food and service very friendly staff I have been going for years 👍👌 every time I go there I leave very satisfied ☺ the food is freshly made it is gourmet

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    Nami Rawashda


    Piazza Pizza is an excellent local pizza place. They are family friendly, and always have some excellent pizza. BBQ chicken, buffalo chicken, and my personal favorite, the margarita slice. They have a large variety of pies, but the classic plain pie can’t be beat. The owners are incredibly friendly, and the food is priced just right. If you ever want a slice, I highly recommend grabbing a bite here.

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    Keith S


    Just went in to purchase food for less than $6. Gave them three different WORKING cards. One debit and two credit cards. The guy behind the counter looks me up and down before swiping the third one then gives it back and says NOPE. VERY unprofessional. The women behind the counter was nice and knew it was thier machine. Fix your equipment and systems. I was thinking about ordering from there for the superbowl. But I will DEFINITELY pass.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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