Phoenix Hotel w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePhoenix Hotel


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517, 39th Street, 11232, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 929-387-8270
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Latitude: 40.6510124, Longitude: -74.0032181

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angela Venable


    My stay was nice, the staff was friendly. There are a few things that I expected, like an iron, an iron board. Location was excellent, plenty of food establishments. I feel like you get a room out of town to enjoy the city and not to spend time in the room. My room was big enough to fit another king size bed. Not sure what size room the other guests got but I enjoyed mine.

  • en

    Gennifer Overton


    The staff at this hotel is very rude. They had to move us rooms cause of the WiFi when we asked front desk for assistance they said no one else was complaining so like I said they moved us to a different room. Well the first room was decent but the second room was smaller the mattresses were smaller than the frame they were on their was a big hole in the wall and ripped wallpaper. This is a non smoking hotel with signs everywhere about the fines if caught smoking I could not tell that with all of the burn marks on the night stand where people obviously used to put their cigarettes out on. It cost us $500 dollars for the weekend when we said something about the room they said we could just leave cause regardless of the issues we were getting a good price. The continental breakfast they offer you could get better in jail. I would never waste my money here again

  • en

    Michael Mott


    Dont take a shower, there was some type of black gunk in the tub and I wouldn't trust the hair and soap provided. The elevator smelt like weed. The smoke detectors DO NOT WORK in the rooms, you have to get a portable detector. No cots. No ironing boards or irons in the room, when we asked for one there was stains on the board and it was broken and the iron had some type of film on it. The view is terrible. There is graffiti in the elevator. My friends door key wasn't opening the door, we checked every key card in our possession. The trim on the lower wall has dirt and gunk on it.

  • en

    Alex Weathers


    DO NOT STAY HERE! Our "non-smoking room" reeked like cigarettes and weed. The entire hotel smelled like weed. There was graffiti written on the backside of the bathroom door, and we could also hear a hooker shuffling people in and out of her room all night (the moaning and door closing gave it away). Do yourself a favor, open up that wallet a little more and go someplace better. DO NOT STAY HERE!

  • en

    enz mat


    Well pretty much in a nutshell only Google knows how much I have traveled and have stayed in many hotels and i can tell you guys it may not be high class Hilton or Marriott but I have stayed in these so-called five star locations and have noticed in all that the furniture and fixtures are outdated the bed sheets towels and pillows seem to have come from big box stores(cheap) and some complete Wings seem to have been neglected most likely because of the pure sizes of the hotels the Phoenix Hotel is a cozy not too small spot situated in a great location with plenty of diners known fast food and multi services and it doesn't compromise parking as expected from a metropolitan area they have spots underneath the building and behind. I just liked the attention to detail

najbliższy Kwatera

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