PetSmart en Sacramento

Estados UnidosPetSmart



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3641, Truxel Road, 95834, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 916-928-0314
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.634262, Longitude: -121.505991

comentarios 5

  • Caroline Donham

    Caroline Donham


    Very nice helpful staff, had well stocked dog cat and other animal supplies, didnt have my pet's food though although the staff tried to help find it

  • Nathan Wolftown

    Nathan Wolftown


    Usually the petsmarts i go to have no issue and take care of their animals, and everything was almost fine at this one except for the reptile area. the first thing i saw right off the bat was that there were realtively big ball pythons shoved into a tiny tank. the tanks they were in had to be at least... a little more than a foot wide in one direction and barely wide enough to fit the hide in the other (im not great at guessing measurements.) there was also a tank where it seemed like they were trying to put some kind of frog, a tarantula, and a scorpion all in one of those same small tanks? not like, running loose together, but one normal tank with an animal in it and then two smaller containers inside the tank that were holding the other two... so that was kind of concerning to me. i didnt really think to take a picture of it though, my phone was on 5 percent. the cat area was open which apparently it was not supposed to be, so someone must have opened it, and propped it open to leave the door open. most of the cats were afraid to go near the doors of the cages whether it was because they were stressed about people going in and out, because they were just skittish rescues, or something else. either way the cats didnt have anywhere to go to hide privately like petco does or a big enough cage to get the litter box far away enough from the food, also like petco does. some more nitpicky issues i had is that there was just this kind of big area in the middle of the store. maybe that's not their fault but it was just kind of weird and made it harder to navigate the store. they also didnt have a fridge for their mealworms, which is a weird thing I've had with all petsmarts. i couldnt find the cat toy section either, but i think thats just because i was looking at the animals more than the supplies. all in all, if i had a choice, i would definitely NOT go to this petsmart, or really any petsmart, petco is so much better. but this is about this particular petsmart, and i would not go if i had a choice.

  • Tom Villalobos

    Tom Villalobos


    This has always been a favorite place for us to restock on all of our pets needs. I will include that we have chosen to use a private groomer. Our experience has been that we are not pleased with the end result.

  • Ashley Brent

    Ashley Brent


    It's the closest pet store so it's where I go but it's nothing to get excited about or anything. The grooming department has given my dog 2 ear infections so there's that. Definitely won't be using that service again. But they are cheaper than Petco so I guess this is my go to.

  • Connor Caples

    Connor Caples


    The floor selection was about average, and the floor staff I interacted with was a bit surly though ultimately helpful. Grooming was the standout service here. The prices are very competitive and the groomer understood the need to preserve a double coat and adjusted appropriately from a standard cut. Turn around was 4.5 hours and my pup looked great! He is generally an anxious idiot so it was an added bonus was that he walked out of there happy. Thanks guys!

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