Peter Piper Pizza w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczonePeter Piper Pizza



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3945, East Thomas Road, 85018, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-273-7600
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.480027, Longitude: -111.996145

komentarze 5

  • en

    Hope Garcia


    Watch your stuff on the tables. An employee grabbed my sunglasses and vape. Also, the games kept taking tokens without getting credit for it. And our order was wrong. Calling corporate tomorrow

  • en

    Jolene B


    It's a great place for kids! Lots of games and things to do for them. The quality of the pizza is okay but this place is really a good place to bring kids and that's for draw for going there. Not the food.

  • Mia



    came with son and was disappointed with their wings....10$ and they were the smallest wings ive ever seen! not to mention almost half of the games were out of service....doubt we will least not to this location & certainly learned my lesson not to order their wings...

  • Gina



    In all the time I've been going to the Peter Piper Pizza restaurant chain, never have I felt so poorly treated, so humiliated and disrespected, as when I visited this location. I visited with my 6 month old niece and my son. I paid for one buffet and one cup because my son had already eaten at school and my niece obviously wasn't going to eat. I got two slices of pizza, sat down with the kids, and realized I didn't have a high chair. I got up with my niece, told my son not to touch the pizza because I'd only paid for myself, and went to ask the staff where the high chairs were. Three minutes later, I was back at the table with the baby in a high chair, and I saw that my son has taken a couple bites of pizza. He was reminded not to touch it, and I started eating, thinking it was no big deal. Apparently, a couple employees (Brett and Miriam; I wrote their names down before I left) thought it was a big deal. I saw them staring at me, pointing directly at me, talking to each other, and this was at the front register where all the other customers could see and hear them. I got up to confront them (hopefully in PRIVATE) for their incredibly rude behavior (pointing me out in front of all the other guests, discussing me in front of all the other guests), and Brett came around the counter to confront me, again in front of all the other guests, which only continued the humiliation. He said I had given my son pizza, and I had to pay for another buffet. I explained that I had gotten the pizza for myself, and only left it alone for a few minutes to go find a high chair. He said it didn't matter, that I had to pay or leave. Basically, they forced me to pay for another buffet so that I could stay and get my own money's worth, since I'd already paid for myself. When I called later and explained everything to the store manager, Danny, he apologized, but then went on to redirect the sympathy back to his own employees, saying he feels bad for them, it's actually very embarrassing for THEM, as they often have to confront patrons who don't pay for the buffet (a very, very tone-deaf response). He asked me to come back in, have a better experience, and I specifically told him I would not come back in unless I was given a refund. He then clearly agreed to give me a refund. When I came in today, he gave me a cup and a bracelet. I figured he was giving me a complementary buffet to make up for the horrible experience last week, which I thought was nice, until I realized that was all he was giving me. There was no refund. I told him he had agreed to give me a refund, and that's what I expected. If he wasn't giving me a complementary buffet, he could take the bracelet and the cup back. He responded that he had a very long line to take care of, and though he didn't think I should get a refund because my son ate pizza, he would give me one to "resolve this faster." He then tried to refund the price of a child buffet, despite the fact that I presented him with a receipt for the cost of an adult buffet, which is what I had been charged since my son is older than 10. Danny said, and I quote, "Whatever, I have a lot of people waiting. I'll make it seven dollars. We're done now." It goes without saying that I'll never set foot in this restaurant again, not as long as Danny is in charge, not as long as Brett and Miriam work there, and I'll tell everyone I know to avoid it.

  • Kimi Hernandez

    Kimi Hernandez


    My 3 and 4 year old really enjoyed it. The pizza is delicious and the new fried zuchinni is amazing! The place was clean and fairly busy but as long as my kids are happy, then I'm happy! The food didn't take long at all and was cooked perfectly. The staff are definetly mostly young kids probably high school age. But they were kind and smiling! So no complaints at all!

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