Perlas New York - Event Venue i New York

Forenede StaterPerlas New York - Event Venue



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69-09, Roosevelt Avenue, 11377, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-685-2302
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.746506, Longitude: -73.895795

kommentar 5

  • Antoine Allen

    Antoine Allen


    Absolutely amazing venue! The theme was breathtaking, friendly professional staff, superb service, everything that was requested was done with care. Overall experience was more than I could’ve asked for. I would definitely recommend this venue to book your next event.

  • en

    Noreen Dalton


    For your next party of event be sure to check out Perlas! I have attended many party's here as well as hosted two of them. The interior design of this place you will find nowhere else. The owners as well as staff are most pleasurable to do business with. Their surround sound for music as well as their stage and full screen projector really add to a great party environment. They have so many packages to choose from to meet your exact needs with no disappointment. Their newly designed websit which allows you to get an exact estimate for your party or event in seconds I must admit.... I LOVE!! Don't let this place pass you by!

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    Kilsey Cruz


    Perlas New York is a very beautiful and cozy place. I had the pleasure to host a birthday party there. The staff was amazing. They all helped in making my event so special. They treated my guest so well and even helped out to get my party set up. The food was great too. The ambiance was amazing and I will recommend this place to family and friends. My guest were so delighted that some are planning on doing an event there too. Thank you Perlas and Val and the rest of the staff that are sooo lovely and helped my event come true and beautiful.

  • Crueshyl Pangca

    Crueshyl Pangca


    If you are looking for an event site where all generation can have their own space in a big party.. Perlas is a place to go.. I am very thankful that my mom have decided to hold my grandmother and my surprise birthday celebration at Perlas. The management and staff are very friendly. They have been very helpful in every aspect of the event . The facility has a pleasant and welcoming ambiance.

  • Eloissa Natividad

    Eloissa Natividad


    Perlas is my favorite restaurant in New York to dine and chill. It's always a must for me to visit Whenever I crave and miss Asian food. It makes me feel like I'm home: A home away from home. Not to forget the good ambiance, the live bands and the generous staff. Good job and more power to Perlas 👌🏻

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