Periodontics Limited: David J. Trylovich, D.D.S., M.S. in Las Vegas

Vereinigte StaatenPeriodontics Limited: David J. Trylovich, D.D.S., M.S.



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3811, West Charleston Boulevard, 89102, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 702-259-1943
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.158156, Longitude: -115.191291

kommentare 2

  • en

    Jackie Wilson


    I'm very impressed by Dr Trylovich and his entire staff. The staff was very personable and helpful.....a special shout out to Lindsey, who took my x-rays and did my prep work and was actually fun talking to. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Trylovich . Several friends had told me they had gone to him and felt (and also heard) he was definitely the best periodontist/implant Dr .in Las Vegas. He is also one of the kindest doctors I've met. He explained all of my options in depth and spent over an hour making sure all my questions were answered , never making me feel like he was in a rush . I felt like I was talking to a friend.

  • en

    Jane Kadoich


    I can't say enough about this office and the people who work there! From the minute you make your appointment to the time you are done you feel well cared for. The office is ran efficiently, never having long delays, and Carolyn, the hygienist is one of the best I have ever gone to. I have been a patient of Dr. Trylovich for over 8 years and continue to see them annually. Highly highly recommend them!

nächste Zahnarzt

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