Performance MotorSports w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczonePerformance MotorSports



🕗 godziny otwarcia

944, North Country Club Drive, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-464-4748
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4326075, Longitude: -111.8402702

komentarze 5

  • Dawn Parker Steed

    Dawn Parker Steed


    Good, honest work would definitely recommend Jake without hesitation

  • Tim Tuzon

    Tim Tuzon


    Service is excellent. Got the job done within the time frame I needed it done. The owner runs the shop and answers all your questions.

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    Jesse Gonzalez


    I took a couple of used cars into Performance Motor sports to have them checked out. They were very honest and thorough and pointed out anything wrong with the cars. Because of them I was able to get my car at a lower price because the breaks and the timing belt needed to be replaced. I took the car to them to have the work done and will continue to use them. These guys are amazing and I highly recommend them to any and everyone. The work quality is great, they are honest, and have fair prices.

  • Bryen



    Took my truck into Performance for a check engine light displayed on the dash. I spoke with jake who seemed to always be in a bad mood. he mentioned that my cluster or gauges were malfunctioning no check engine light was coming on. he then proceeded to take my truck to another shop where they would rebuild it for $275 and jake charged me $350. Jake then pointed out that my truck had a bubble on the driver side tire but still proceeded to drive it on the freeway to emissions where the tire blew out and he smashed my driver-side mirror. then without calling me immediately, jake also failed to check under my truck where the spare had been and instead, called tow truck that i had to pay $65 for. only after he had gotten back to the shop he told me about the blow out and never mentioned the mirror. after picking up the truck 3 days later i noticed the mirror and complained because the wheel well was also missing and my power windows no longer worked. jake then told me that my new total would be $450. the original $350 was for him taking the truck to replace the gauges, another $65 for the tow, $10 for putting on the spare tire that he never said he'd charge for, and the final $100 for labor. LABOR FOR WHAT? the other shop rebuilt the cluster. all Jake's tech performed was a check engine diagnostic. AutoZone performs those checks for free. I read the previous reviews on this shop before bringing my truck in and all i can say was this seemed like Jake was squeezing me for money. I am VERY DISSATISFIED and will complain to the BBB. how did my truck come out worse than it went in?! please AVOID this poor excuse for a auto mechanic and save yourself the trouble and money.

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    Brenda Smith


    The guys are wonderful to work with and was able to get me in earlier than my appointment date. They actually listen to the issue and help to resolve it. Not expensive, but I would be willing to pay more for this great service I had. Jake and Jesse your the best! Thanks Jesse ... for all the help. B

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