Perfect Comfort Inc en Beaverdam Lake-Salisbury Mills

Estados UnidosPerfect Comfort Inc



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4, Lake Road, 12577, Beaverdam Lake-Salisbury Mills, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-497-1005
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.433381, Longitude: -74.12242

comentarios 5

  • en

    Bill Talarico


    I just got my central air unit and condenser replaced by Perfect Comfort. My wife and I were very impressed with the whole company from the people who answer the phone to the installers. Vincent is the owner and he was hands on for the whole process, most importantly he is honest and fair. It's rare to find such a good contractor- I would and will recommend Perfect Comfort to anyone.

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    Liz Stack


    They came out on Friday to look at our system. He said he’d send an estimate via email. Week later nothing. My husband called them and she said she would have someone email him. It’s been 2 1/2 weeks now and we’ve heard nothing. If you don’t want to do the job have the common courtesy to say so.

  • en

    Todd Lueck


    An excellent company! I just had work done recently by Perfect Comfort in Salisbury Mills and had a new furnace (& A/C) installed. My furnace went out in Feb and they were able to get me back up with heat in one day! Great service and prices - outstanding!! I had multiple estimates done by other local companies and Perfect Comfort was much much less. I was very impressed with the owner, Vincent, who came out personally for the original call for the estimate and also for when the work was being done as well as after it was completed to make sure all was good. Great guy, super nice, and very knowledgeable! I decided to go with a new a/c unit at the same time (which was totally my call that I had inquired about doing; it was not an up-sell whatsoever). All of his staff that were involved were excellent including the folks at the office who were a huge help in preparing rebate forms for the utility co's! Follow-up has been awesome for both the furnace (back then) and the a/c now that the weather is warmer to double check the operation of the system. The furnace and a/c are Amana and we really like the systems - both are very quiet and efficient!

  • Virginia Benedict

    Virginia Benedict


    Focus mostly on new constructions and renovations, this 13+ year old plumbing heating and air conditioning company provides excellent honest service. No job is too small or too large. They service both residential and commercial applications in the Orange County NY & Hudson Valley, NY markets. They are also fully insured.

  • en

    Anita Jeppesen


    The tech arrived on time and did a great job. The woman who scheduled the appt. was very friendly. We will use this business for yearly maintenance from now on.

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