Perabell Food Bar w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczonePerabell Food Bar



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69, East Main Street, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-447-7766
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.765874, Longitude: -73.013625

komentarze 5

  • en

    BreeAnna Kiernan


    My husband had my baby shower here and everything was PHENOMENAL. The lay out was very nice with lots of room for everyone. The food was beyond great - we had an omelet bar, eggs, sausage, bacon, pastries and bagels, pasta, a balsamic chicken, salmon, french toast (regular and banana nutella) among other things. One thing about the shower that deserves special mention - is the service. The staff was super attentive, kind, and all about making sure we had a great time. I have been there for dinner in the past and my experience was just as good however their private parties just deserve so many more than 5 stars!! If I could give 10 I would. Thank You for making my baby shower such a great and special day!!!

  • en

    Joseph Ing


    Excellent mothers day with family. I had the special seafood risotto & wife had the herb chicken pasta both excellent. Flavor full, arrived at appropriate time. Chocalate lava cake & blueberry cheese cake was also quite the treat. Waitress was great on the spot with all. Not to busy at the time we went, so no wait & service was delightful.

  • en

    Mark Buonagura


    I have been here many times and every meal I had was great. Service has always been very good. Prices are not expensive. Good menu selection. There is plenty of seating. It can get busy so during normally busy times, be prepared.

  • Bill Thatner

    Bill Thatner


    Maybe a little pricey, but very tasty. Lots of menu options of creative dishes. But even the simple ones please too. The burgers are excellent.

  • Kristin Motschwiller

    Kristin Motschwiller


    The service was not good tonight but usually is good. The food was good. Good specials. But today I have to go with a 3 star. Our waitress only came to our table once. she never asked if we wanted dessert, our water glasses sat empty, we had to ask other servers and bussers for everything we needed.

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