Peppino's Pizzeria i Aurora

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Forenede StaterPeppino's Pizzeria



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14200, East Alameda Avenue, 80012, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-343-9833
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Latitude: 39.708391, Longitude: -104.8226391

kommentar 5

  • Dee Seghers

    Dee Seghers


    COLD PIZZA! I am from NYC and look forward to Peppino's Pizza but today at 12:14 when I came in I was served a barely warm slice of pizza the server did not place it in the oven and when I told him the pizza was barely warm he just stared at me. Staff seemed unfocused and unresponsive. I threw the slice in the trash. BAD EXPERIENCE.

  • en

    Briana Butler


    I love this pizza and how it never changes even throughout the years. However I feel they make decent money and can afford to re-decorate the inside as well as get chairs that aren't broken and stained. The last time I was here the manager on duty (not sure if shes the owner) was very rude to not only me and my niece but to the staff as well. She was yelling at the staff even though the staff members were being very quiet and appropriate. My niece asked for a cannoli and the lady very rudely said "what? speak up do you need something?" in the most confrontational tone i've heard in awhile. Then it took her over 5 minutes to serve my niece a cold rock hard frozen cannoli that she could not even eat. I will be back for the pizza but if the same lady is there next time I will definitely report her to upper management.

  • en

    Ronnie Alvarez


    Best pizza in Aurora, slices are huge and cheap in price, been going there since 1994 . Family owned just a wonderful place, staff is so friendly and always a big smile with service! So if u are close to or in the Aurora mall go here for your pizza, not that food court mess they call pizza! Just saying.

  • Adia Marble

    Adia Marble


    Great gluten free pizza! Manager was super helpful (she was a nice blonde lady). Highly recommend, especially for the gluten free pizza. Flavorful sauce, perfect constancy of cheese, and great textured crust.

  • en

    In Mom's Opinion


    We were waiting for an internet order at one of the stores to be ready, so we decided to have lunch in the food court. We walked in next to Peppino's and it smelled amazing, so my son decided that was what we would have for lunch. Pricing is decent - a small pizza is only $11 so we decided on a small pepperoni pizza (hard to screw up. There was no line and only a couple of tables seemed to be waiting for food while the rest were all eating. All of the younger people I spoke to were polite. An older woman who seemed to be in charge took my order at 1:15 and told me it would take "about ten minutes", which was fine. At 1:39 when I went up and told her we hadn't received our pizza, she looked around in confusion and then snapped at me "Look! It's coming out NOW!" and pointed at a man taking several pizzas out of the oven. I kept my mouth shut and returned to by table, but it should be obvious that 24 minutes isn't "about ten", so a customer wouldn't be out of line to ask about their food. It was hot and fresh, but it was also so greasy that we each only ate one slice. Eh. It was cheap, fast-food pizza that was worth the price but not worth the wait. I would have given it three stars based on the food, but the service lost one.

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