Pep Boys Auto Service & Tire w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczonePep Boys Auto Service & Tire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4942 E Warner Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85044, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 480-496-0083
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3325397, Longitude: -111.9786547

komentarze 5

  • Saera



    Previously a 10 Year customer of Advanced Auto, same location. Advanced closed in September. Is now Pep Boys. Needed an oil change and decided to try them out. Larry at front desk was Helpful. Anthony completed the oil change and went over all aspects of car. I will be returning. Thank you Gentlemen.

  • en

    Cameron Stafford


    You've really got to watch these guys. They are great but they like to sneak extra services in to bump up the price.

  • en

    Joe Looker


    Completed my oil change/inspection/fluid top off in 30 minutes. Car runs great and isn’t making the noises it was before. Plus the rates were excellent. Glad I came here!

  • Arabella Productions

    Arabella Productions


    They tried to sell me services I didn't need. I went there for a brake inspection and they told me I need $400 worth of work. My husband took my care to his work fleet auto shop and he fixed my brakes for $160 and told me half the stuff on the list I didn't need. My car runs amazing now no thanks to this place. I'm worried if they did anything to my car from the oil change I got a few months earlier. Ladies Beware it's one of those places

  • en

    William Mejia


    Pep Boys by far has always had and will continue to have the best customer service with real people who are actually knowledgeable! That is why I am a repeat customer. This was my first time coming to the Warner location and it is the same great experience as any other Pep Boys!! Highly recommend if you want to get your vehicle serviced and not get ripped off!!

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