Peonia LLC w Fort Lee

Stany ZjednoczonePeonia LLC


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1550, Lemoine Avenue, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-242-0002
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8475968, Longitude: -73.9704398

komentarze 5

  • Sanghee Lee

    Sanghee Lee


    동생 결혼식장의 전체 꽃장식을 아름답게 꾸며준 곳입니다. 박선민 (Lisa) 플로리스트의 우아하고 사랑스러운 flower arrangement에 신랑신부 하객들 모두 행복했던 기억이 생생합니다. 믿고 맡길 수 있는 곳입니다. 강추합니다.

  • Jenny Ihn

    Jenny Ihn


    Working with Lisa from Peonia has been an incredible experience. I personally really like flowers so I had a lot of particular things that I envisioned for my wedding. Lisa is patient in listening to all of my picky preferences and she executed them flawlessly on the day-of. From my huge bouquet to bridesmaids bouquet to my centerpieces which were a combination of high and low centerpieces with pillar candles mixed in for warm ambience, I can't ask for much more. I also loved that my guests were able to take the centerpieces home very easily, which make great gifts. Throughout the whole process, Lisa is trustworthy, accommodating and flexible; she works with you and your budget to offer best options. I couldn't be happier with her service.

  • en



    AMAZING!!! Lisa worked with my mother and me to create the most amazing floral pieces for my wedding. The bridal and bridesmaids bouquets, flower girl pomander and crown, and boutonnieres were simply beautiful and photographed so well. She also created both high and low centerpieces that made the room come alive. Lisa has an amazing ability to understand your style and the look you hope to achieve, and use her creativity to make your vision come true. She even created a mock up so we knew what to expect, and reviewed my seating arrangement and re-arranged the tables so the room and flowers would look even better. She was also one of the nicest people that we worked with during the wedding planning process, and put our minds at ease throughout the whole process. I would recommend Lisa to everyone who needed a florist!

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    K Yoo


    Loved working with them for my wedding! They have great taste and will make beautiful flower arrangements for your special day. They make the experience painless and fun - they communicate with you very well from the very beginning. Guests at my wedding had only good things to say about the center pieces and other flower decorations. I highly recommend them!!!

  • en

    Matthew Kim


    Strongly recommended!! Price was negotiable and was cheaper than I thought. Lisa was the best to work with. She made our wedding day very special! You won't regret

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